The Graph – Time To Buy Crypto

Is it a good time to buy The Graph right now?

Current Price: $0.18

Average Daily Volume

The Graph is currently ranked number 41 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $1,321,780,423.00, which it will make it super easy for you to sell your holdings of The Graph.

Rating: 5/5

Market Cap

The Graph has a total market cap of $1,597,633,191.00.

Rating: 5/5


The Graph has 359,174 total followers in all its social media accounts.

Rating: 5/5

All Time High

The Graph is currently -93.63% from its highest price $2.84 on 2021-02-12.

Rating: 5/5

Price Potential

The The Graph price has the potential to increase to $160.35 during the next cryptocurrency bull market, which may occur within the next five years.

Overall Score

Our algorithm believes it is an excellent time to invest in The Graph right now.

Overall rating: 5/5

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What Is The Graph?

The Graph is an indexing protocol and global API for organizing blockchain data and making it easily accessible with GraphQL. Developers can use Graph Explorer to search, find, and publish all the public data they need to build decentralized applications. The Graph Network makes it possible to build serverless dApps that run entirely on public infrastructure.

GRT is the native token of the network that’s used to coordinate work. GRT is an ERC20 token. Node operators, called Indexers, stake and earn GRT for processing queries. Anyone can delegate GRT to Indexers to secure the network and earn rewards. Curators organize data on The Graph by signaling GRT on useful APIs, called subgraphs. Indexers, Delegators, and Curators work together to organize the data for the crypto economy and maintain a useful global API for DeFi and Web3.

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