Pundi X – Time To Buy Crypto

Is it a good time to buy Pundi X right now?

Current Price: $0.50

Average Daily Volume

Pundi X is currently ranked number 254 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $9,380,909.00, which it will make it not so easy for you to sell your holdings of Pundi X.

Rating: 4/5

Market Cap

Pundi X has a total market cap of $129,288,986.00.

Rating: 5/5


Pundi X has 169,847 total followers in all its social media accounts.

Rating: 5/5

All Time High

Pundi X is currently -95.04% from its highest price $10.07 on 2021-03-31.

Rating: 5/5

Price Potential

The Pundi X price has the potential to increase to $276.64 during the next cryptocurrency bull market, which may occur within the next five years.

Overall Score

Our algorithm believes it is an excellent time to invest in Pundi X right now.

Overall rating: 5/5

How to buy Pundi X today?

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