Amp – Time To Buy Crypto

Is it a good time to buy Amp right now?

Current Price: $0.00

Average Daily Volume

Amp is currently ranked number 155 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $11,471,864.00, which it will make it super easy for you to sell your holdings of Amp.

Rating: 5/5

Market Cap

Amp has a total market cap of $276,697,837.00.

Rating: 5/5


Amp has 51,732 total followers in all its social media accounts.

Rating: 5/5

All Time High

Amp is currently -95.91% from its highest price $0.12 on 2021-06-16.

Rating: 5/5

Price Potential

The Amp price has the potential to increase to $1.66 during the next cryptocurrency bull market, which may occur within the next five years.

Overall Score

Our algorithm believes it is an excellent time to invest in Amp right now.

Overall rating: 5/5

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What Is Amp?

What is Amp?

Amp is described as the new digital collateral token offering instant, verifiable assurances for any kind of value transfer. Using Amp, networks like Flexa can quickly and irreversibly secure transactions for a wide variety of asset-related use cases.

How does Amp work?

Amp claims to offer a straightforward but versatile interface for verifiable collateralization through a system of collateral partitions and collateral managers. Where collateral partitions can be designated to collateralize any account, application, or even transaction, and carry balances which are directly verifiable on the Ethereum blockchain, collateral managers are smart contracts that can lock, release, and redirect collateral in these partitions as needed in order to support value transfer activities. Amp supports a wide variety of use cases for collateralization, and also introduces the concept of predefined partition strategies, which can enable special capabilities such as collateral models through which tokens can be staked without ever leaving their original address.

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