Dero – Time To Buy Crypto

Is it a good time to buy Dero right now?

Current Price: $4.60

Average Daily Volume

Dero is currently ranked number 419 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $178,589.00, which it will make it not so easy for you to sell your holdings of Dero.

Rating: 0/5

Market Cap

Dero has a total market cap of $58,242,430.00.

Rating: 4/5


Dero has 17,818 total followers in all its social media accounts.

Rating: 0/5

All Time High

Dero is currently -83.17% from its highest price $27.29 on 2021-10-10.

Rating: 5/5

Price Potential

The Dero price has the potential to increase to $4,190.93 during the next cryptocurrency bull market, which may occur within the next five years.

Overall Score

Our algorithm believes it is an excellent time to invest in Dero right now.

Overall rating: 3/5

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What Is Dero?

DERO is a general purpose, private and decentralized application platform that allows developers to deploy powerful and unstoppable applications where users retain total control over their assets with complete privacy. It is our goal to create a sound monetary framework that will globally safeguard the privacy of all users and empower free markets to thrive with complete auditability.

Stargate is built upon the first homomorphic encryption blockchain protocol. Simply put, account activity on the DERO network is never decrypted by anyone other than its owner using a homomorphic encryption scheme for all transactions on the network, including transactions to and from smart contracts. This is achieved using a new and unique homomorphic encryption scheme (DERO-HE) and the underlying DERO Homomorphic Encryption Blockchain Protocol (DHEBP).

Stargate also comes with some convenient features including:

- Homomorphic encryption account model
- Human-readable addresses (usernames)
- Efficient and decentralized proof-of-work mining
- Instant coin and token balance syncing
- Native token transfers via wallet
- Support for both public and private token smart contracts
- Web socket support for connectivity with decentralized applications
- Transfer settlement in ~18 seconds (1 block)
- Blockchain pruning (light nodes)
- Fixed supply with halving

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