Average Daily Volume
Metal DAO is currently ranked number 368 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $22,854,194.00, which it will make it super easy for you to sell your holdings of Metal DAO.
Rating: 5/5
Market Cap
Metal DAO has a total market cap of $70,915,489.00.
Rating: 4/5
Metal DAO has 82,178 total followers in all its social media accounts.
Rating: 0/5
All Time High
Metal DAO is currently -93.59% from its highest price $17.03 on 2018-06-21.
Rating: 5/5
Price Potential
The Metal DAO price has the potential to increase to $879.05 during the next cryptocurrency bull market, which may occur within the next five years.
Overall Score
Our algorithm believes it is an excellent time to invest in Metal DAO right now.
Overall rating: 5/5
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What Is Metal DAO?
Metal DAO (MTL) is a utility token that currently governs the stablecoin Metal Dollar (XMD), in addition to providing tiered trading discounts to MTL holders when using the Metal Pay cash & crypto app. Metal Pay customers who own 10,000+ MTL can enjoy 0% fees on all cryptocurrency purchases.
Metal DAO's future utility includes the ability to propose new stablecoins for the Metal Dollar basket, including their allocation ratios, and the option to vote in new stablecoin issuers such as community banks or fintechs.
Metal Pay was developed and launched by Metallicus in 2016.