Average Daily Volume
USDX is currently ranked number 300 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $413,855.00, which it will make it not so easy for you to sell your holdings of USDX.
Market Cap
USDX has a total market cap of $99,264,632.00.
Price Change
USDX price has changed 0.07% in the last 24h hours. The highest price for USDX in the last 24 hours was $0.89. The lowest price for USDX was $0.87 in the past 24 hours.
All Time High
USDX is a stable coin. It's price is packed to the US Dollar and only jumps in prices to other fiat currencies.
Price Potential
Stable coins like USDX are digital assets pegged to a stable asset such as USD, aimed at reducing volatility. They offer benefits of both traditional fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.
Overall Score
Stable coins are digital assets pegged to a stable value, usually the US dollar. Pros: reduced volatility, easier to use as a means of payment and store of value. Cons: Centralized nature can lead to potential loss of value and lack of security.
How to buy USDX today?
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What Is USDX?
USDX is the crypto-backed native stablecoin of the Kava DeFi hub.