Average Daily Volume
Ethereans is currently ranked number 1439 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $2,994.34, which it will make it not so easy for you to sell your holdings of Ethereans.
Rating: 0/5
Market Cap
Ethereans has a total market cap of $3,371,688.00.
Rating: 0/5
Ethereans has 5,858 total followers in all its social media accounts.
Rating: 0/5
All Time High
Ethereans is currently -94.08% from its highest price $74.06 on 2021-12-01.
Rating: 5/5
Price Potential
The Ethereans price has the potential to increase to $980.39 during the next cryptocurrency bull market, which may occur within the next five years.
Overall Score
Our algorithm believes it is an excellent time to invest in Ethereans right now.
Overall rating: 2/5
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What Is Ethereans?
The Ethereans Operating System—is an operating system for Ethereum, comprising three integrated protocols. The first is a platform for on-chain organizations, which are like DAOs, but more sophisticated and decentralized. The second is a platform for the Item token standard, which is like the evolution of the ERC1155 standard. The third is Covenants, a suite of DeFi applications built on top of the first ever on-chain AMM Aggregator.
This is the first ever completely on-chain, general-purpose platform for all governance, development and applications on Ethereum—a bona fide OS. Use it for anything—even if just as a base layer to code on the network.