Secret – Time To Buy Crypto

Is it a good time to buy Secret right now?

Current Price: $0.83

Average Daily Volume

Secret is currently ranked number 215 worldwide with a daily trading volume of $6,068,788.00, which it will make it not so easy for you to sell your holdings of Secret.

Rating: 4/5

Market Cap

Secret has a total market cap of $161,699,872.00.

Rating: 5/5


Secret has 200,793 total followers in all its social media accounts.

Rating: 5/5

All Time High

Secret is currently -92.04% from its highest price $10.38 on 2021-10-28.

Rating: 5/5

Price Potential

The Secret price has the potential to increase to $387.08 during the next cryptocurrency bull market, which may occur within the next five years.

Overall Score

Our algorithm believes it is an excellent time to invest in Secret right now.

Overall rating: 5/5

How to buy Secret today?

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What Is Secret?

Secret is the native coin of the Secret Network, a decentralized network for private / secure computation. Nodes on the network (known as secret nodes) can perform generalizable computations over encrypted data, which allows smart contracts (known as secret contracts) to use private and sensitive data as inputs. Our focus is on computational privacy, not just transactional privacy. Developers can build decentralized, privacy-preserving "Secret Apps" on the network. The privacy functionality of the Secret Network is critical for many fields, including decentralized finance, Web3, machine learning, access control, and many more.

The Secret Network is supported by many independent development teams and entities, including Enigma, Secret Foundation,, Chain of Secrets, and more

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